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Mid-State Mile - It's Only A Mile

Welcome to Franklin, TN home of the new 1 mile race with crazy elevation known as the Mid-State Mile.  To start the morning off right Mike and I get to the event an hour and half before the start to set up our area and make sure we are not rushed.  We hauled stuff over to the start/ finish line or better known as the runner starting corral area.  As we finish setting up our small section we are talking with a few of the other runners and one them was Doug and he asked me what our goal was.  I said we want to hit 100 miles and he looked at me like I was crazy and said have you been on the course?  I said "no."  Doug said, "it has some really big hills.  100 miles is going to be hard to get."  I looked at Mike and said "oh well that may change things."  Mike's dad has arrived and is setting up.  He is our 1 man crew that amazing takes care of both of us while we run.  He is like a moving Costco.  He has everything!  Or maybe like MacGyver...I then see a

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