White Stone 30K Trail Race - Muddy Puddle Jumping

Some days we feel great, run great, and the stars just align for us.  This was not the case for me at the start of Whitestone 30K Trail Race.  It was cold and the rain was not letting up any as I was soaked and cold just lining up at the starting line.  I can't wait for the race to start so that i can start running just to warm up.  My rain "resistant" jacket was not helping me and my gloves were soaked.  I just need to run and warm up is all I kept thinking and buy a full waterproof jacket tomorrow.

Finally the countdown and I take off with one purpose.  Get warm. As we get into our first mile I remember the race director saying there were some small puddles but that was an understatement.  The puddles were more like small lakes with no way around them and over ankle deep in some spots and the ground was so soft in some areas I could just feel my shoes sinking into the mud.  I just lowered my head and ran on.  The first lap I didn't really know what to expect because this trail race is a new addition this year and is 3 different loops of 6 miles that makes up a lap and we have to run 3 total laps.  You can checkout the race map at the bottom of the page.  My first lap was a bit of a head game for me as I was trying to find a groove to get into while trying to get warm  as I puddle stomp, jump, and slip through the mud.    

At the end of the first lap while running I rip off my rain jacket and gloves and just toss them near the table at the aid station and keep going.  I am finally getting into a groove and warming up so i did not want to stop for anything.  Coming up on the first loop that has all of the standing water and mud and I am feeling really good then all of a sudden I am laying on the ground.  My entire body smacked the ground at the same time on my right side.  I stood up with mud all over my face and in my eyes or should I say my contacts. Wonderful, I thought that is just what I needed.  I I take my headband off and just start wiping mud off of my face.  I told Mike "just keep going and I will try to catch up."  My right contact was burning so I kept grabbing my eyelid and pulling it over my contact and finally got some relief.  I finished wiping my face off and put my headband back on.  Time to start running.  At this point I am irritated and cold.

I take off with a new purpose finish this race, have fun, and calm down.  My second lap was almost complete and I am feeling really good.  I quickly begin passing people from where I was rolling in the mud earlier but I felt great.  Near the end of the 2nd lap I am coming up on the barn and I pass through the barn knowing there is only one lap left and I don't think there are many people in front of me so I am really pumped.  As I am in the third lap I felt amazing almost like a machine as the stars aligned finally and I am running my best lap.  Towards the end of the third lap me and another gentlemen are battling back and forth as he would pass me on the flats and I would pass him on the hills and this kept up for the last 3 miles of the race with us pushing each other all the way to end where my best pace was finishing the race at a 4 minute and 47 second pace.  I don't know where that came from after 15 miles.  It was a blast though and me and that gentlemen talked for a couple of hours after the race.  No matter how bad a race starts out and then wonder why you get out of bed to do this crazy stuff it sometimes is forgotten just to have fun and run and do a little puddle jumping.

My gear for this race:
Altra Timps
Nike Running Hat 
Garmin Vivoactive 3
Zwift Pod


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